Wednesday, February 20, 2019

VIIS : Past, Present and Future

Visual Informatics International Seminar (known as VIIS) is taking place at a very exciting time in a dynamic changing landscape of the world. Despite the world economic slowdown, research and development in technology related to computer science and information technology and communications (particularly in Visual Informatics) has shown a trajectory that will only move forward. VIIS seminar is a seminar that provides an excellent opportunity to share and exchange technologies and applications in the field of visual informatics for professionals, engineers, academics, and industrial people worldwide.
Every two years, the seminar will be held at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, UKM Bangi, Malaysia, which is organised by the Institute of Visual Informatics (IVI), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. This year (2018), VIIS will be held in conjunction with the UKM Integrated International Conference (UKM-IIC 2018). VIIS also has collaboration between several local and oversea universities. Through these collaboration, the involved universities can share and exchange technologies among them.

The idea of having this seminar is to promote discussion and exchange of ideas and knowledge among researchers from various countries in the field of visual informatics. It also to gather and discuss working papers on multidisciplinary areas on visual informatics. Furthermore, it can help to generate and diffuse new theories, applications and technologies in visual informatics.

The advances in digital social media technology has made it a necessity for almost all new technologies to take a socialization inclination and approach. The theme of the second VIIS seminar (2014) was “Socialization on Visual Informatics in a Changing Digital Landscape” reflects the need for research to embed aspects of socialization.

The volume of information available, particularly from new sources such as social media and cloud-based business solution, id growing rapidly. The opportunity to expand insights by combining big data is also accelerating. Thus, the theme of the third VIIS seminar (2016) was “Towards Ultimate Solutions of Visualization”, reflects the need for research to find new and creative ways to identify and display big data, information and knowledge.

This year VIIS’18 brings latest state-of-the-art theme “Digital Transformation Landscape in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR)” to cater the current needs on visual informatics in various research areas and industries. Visual informatics too has the obligation to do the same. Our website :

Visual informatics is a multidisciplinary research field that is well accepted among researchers and industry in Computer Science, Information Technology and Engineering. There are several areas had become the tracks of seminar which can be applied in various domain. The Visual Informatics International Seminar bring to seminar various experts within this very important research area as keynote speakers.

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